Money Lending Laws in Singapore

Money Lending Laws in Singapore

A moneylender is an individual or company that loans money, secured only by note as a deed of trust, or against a collateral item or property that is equivalent to or of higher value than the loan given. The main difference between banks and other financial institutions is the high-interest rates charge which they say...

Your Guide to Make the Most Epic Travel Plan

Your Guide to Make the Most Epic Travel Plan

It’s that time of the year again, the time when you have to pack all your bags and finally hit the road. But planning for that perfect trip can be a daunting task. Relax! We are here to help you and make you plan epic. Airfare, hotel accommodations and rental cars may be the holy...

Best Licensed Money Lenders in Singapore

Best Licensed Money Lenders in Singapore

There are many licensed money lenders in Singapore. But are they all equally good? Are they all equally reliable? How do you know which money lender is good and which isn’t? Basing on their reviews is one way, but how about those who have mixed reviews? Should you listen to the positive reviews or the...

Term and Whole Life Insurance in Singapore

Term and Whole Life Insurance in Singapore

  What is Insurance?   Investopedia defines insurance as: “Insurance is a form of risk management in which the insured transfers the cost of potential loss to another entity in exchange for monetary compensation known as the premium. Insurance allows individuals, businesses and other entities to protect themselves against significant potential losses and financial hardship...